Baby Loss Coffee and Connect Group
Inspired by women I have met, I have created this group as an opportunity for you to connect with other women who have also experienced baby loss.

​Pregnancy and baby loss can leave you feeling overwhelmed with unanswerable questions and grief. Whether your experience of baby loss was 3 months ago or 20 years ago, you are welcome in this space. As time passes it can be difficult to talk to those close to you about your grief. If you want to take some time out to make sense of your situation, find the words to express yourself and work out what do next, then why not come along?
This is a small group of up to 5 women, and is an opportunity for you to share your story in a safe and compassionate environment. The aim is to help you work through your emotions that surround your loss by giving you time to express your pain, hurt and disappointment.
The group meets on a monthly basis with a qualified therapist guiding and supporting the group and costs £10 per session. You can attend as many or as few meetings as you want. There's always a cuppa and some cake available too.
The group meets at 11am on the first Wednesday of each month.
Book your spot in the next group here.
If you are keen to attend but this time/date doesn't work for you, please get in touch and I will look at alternative times of day.